we belong together

here's the card I made for the contest. thanks and happy valentines day!

Krueger’s pizza date

Happy Valentine's Day from Spain!! I hope you like my watercolor drawing made with all [...]

See you in your dreams ❤️

Love ya, mean it! Hope to meet you one day.

Freddy Krueger

You are truly one-of-a-kind! No other horror villain could never compare to you! Happy Valentine’s [...]


Freddy Krueger sends his love!

Wet Dream Valentine

Happy Valentine's Day!

Fancy a Ride?

This card was inspired from Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child. It’s hard [...]

Super Freddy!

Just try to resist me! Not a chance!

Be Mine

Thanks for all the nightmares.

You’re the one of my dreams

I’m attaching a jpg of the artwork, but if you’d like a hi-rez version, just [...]

My Heart Bleeds For You

My heart bleeds for you

Tongue Action

To the man of all our dreams, Happy Valentine’s Day!

Freddy’s Heart

Happy Valentines Day Robert! <3

The Rose Is Dead

This is my second entry for the current contest. I dwelled on my first and [...]

Silent love

Happy Valentines to the only man to steal my heart

Sweet dreams

Dreams Have Come True Now I Am Stuck To You

You’re mine

You can slice and dice all you want but in the end you know your [...]


My name's Freddy Krueger welcome to help Bitch!!!!. I'll chop up your body and throw [...]

Love, eternal

Dear Freddy, this could be us. I love you xxoo

Love is…

Hello Robert! My name is Rafael, from Brazil. Here I am again, one more year [...]

Heart Hands Freddy

Been a huge fan of Robert England for a long time! I had an opportunity [...]

Sweater of Red

Not an artist at all just thought it be fun and show some love.

Be Mine

Thanks for all the childhood memories watching "V", Freddys Nightmares and anticipating the latest Elm [...]

Johnny Depp. Bring back boys in crop tops!

Hiiii Freddy! Your bitch is back 😝 Here is my valentines design, for glory and [...]

A Valentines Kiss

His sweater is red..and dirty green.. Come and suck face ..with the man of your [...]

Be my slashertine?

Happy Valentine's Day to all from the Netherlands! Robert, you are my favourite nightmare of [...]

Come here my piggy

Hi Robert, Wishing you and Nancy good health and happiness this year and beyond. Please [...]

Dream Lover

Happy valentines, ya big spookyboi!!!

Let me be the man of your dreams

Happy Valentines 💝


Be mine …. Now close your eyes

Freddy Krueger

Hi Robert my name is Ashlyn and I’m 13 years old and I’m your biggest [...]

no fairytales

I hope you enjoy this twist for a Valentine. I enjoy all your work.


This Valentine is a play off of the mirrors scene in ANOES 3: Dream warriors.

Your eyes say “no, no.” But my mouth says “yes, yes.”

Hello Robert! My name is Rafael, from Brazil. Here I am again, one more year [...]

” We Got six more minutes to play.”

Happy Valentine's Robert Englund you are amazing Horror actor.

sweet dreams and Iove from hell

thanks for the opportunity i love freddy and love that you do this contest

I’m Your Boyfriend Now

I can’t guarantee if this submission is good enough to make the cut, but at [...]

Happy valentines bitch

Thanks for being awesome Mr.Englund! We love u!

Time of your life (re imaged)

I did this one a few years ago but decided to change it up a [...]

Happy Valentine’s Day

Made this For the contest. My best to you

Man crush

Hi Robert I’m a longtime nightmare fan and hope you like my drawing of Freddy [...]

Sucking Face

Happy Valentines to my favorite creep!

Drop dead fred

II'm ready for prime time bitch!

Bloody Valentine

Freddy is our blood, tattoed in our Hearst. Happy Valentines!

Lovi Cruguer.

Hello, this is my design for the Saint Valentine's contest. I have created a lovely [...]

The nightmare

Welcome to my nightmare baby

Freddy “Cupid” Krueger

I hope you like it.

Face Sucker‼️

A Bloody Valentine From Me And Mine To You And Yours Robert🤙🏻❤️💯 Love Sal Christin [...]

Slashed Through The Heart

Love nightmare on elm street. ❤

Scratch your back

Thank you for being great to your fans


I am so excited to participate in this. First time entering and regardless of the [...]

Burning for You

I only just recently watched A Nightmare on Elm Street, but I was an instant [...]

Wanna suck face?

A classic Freddy quote for a classy partner

I’m Your Valentine

New year, same old love for Englund and Krueger! There will never be another Freddy [...]

The love worm

Hi Robert & Nancy, here I send my participation in the Valentine's card contest, I [...]

Dream lover

Can't wait to see you in your dreams

Freddy Pops Up

Freddy is popping up this Valentine especially for you!

I’m your valentine now

Thanks for all the dreams! 🙂

Your Heart is Mine

Happy Valentine’s Day, Robert! Hope you have a great one, stay haunting our nightmares!


Happy Valentine Robert and Nancy


Greetings fron Caracas Venezuela, we meet in Spooky Empire Orlando few years ago and we [...]

Be Mine


til death

til death do us part !

“I’m Burnin’ for YOU, B*tch!”

I’ve been a Freddy fan since 2004. He is one of my favorite slasher villains [...]

Something Sweet

I wanted to design a box of sweet treats for all the Freddy Fans, and [...]

Be Mine

Be mine

A Dream Come True

“You’re a Dream Come True”. No pixelation in full size file.


Hey! How r u? You’re awesome!

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Hello, Mr. Englund! I hope you have a great Valentine's day this year! I want [...]

I found a way to your heart

Dear Freddy Welcome to my art bitch. Thanks for giving this opportunity and this cool [...]

Gory Valentine!

Hello Mr. Krueger! My name is Zofia, I am 13 years old and I am [...]

You’re a dream come true

Happy valentines to the king!



Nice Hearing From You

Inspired By "Freddy’s Dead".

I’m Your Valentine Now

I’ve changed my first submissions greeting from “I’m Your Boyfriend Now” to “I’m Your VALENTINE [...]

Sweet Dreams

I'm so committed to winning this contest that I made a new card. I I [...]

Welcome to Valen-tine Bitch

Thank you for always showing your fans the utmost respect and kindness. Icon status is [...]

I’m Your Valentine Now Bitch!

Once Upon a Nightmare! //// I hope you have Happy Valentines to you and Nancy! [...]

May I be your dream bitch?

Im such a huge fan. I hope you like my card. You have gotten me [...]

To the man of my dreams!

Who doesn't love Freddy wearing sunglasses!

I win

Happy Valentines day. Your the best

You’re A Piz-za My Soul, Valentine!

Have a bloody good Valentine's Day Robert!


Freddy you have been a inspiration and it would be a dream to win .

Hmm. A Chocolate Treat

Happy V Day Freddy (Mr. Englund)

Im your valentine now

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!! Thanks for just being you Robert! I uploaded this way back when [...]

Your Soul is meant to be mine

Dear Robert England, I am a huge fan. You played the best Freddy in The [...]

at the bottom of the sea

Even at the bottom of the sea love exists

Freddy Valentine Bouquet

Thank you for all of the great memories, Robert. Hope you dig the art!


Happy Valentines Day Robert! Thank you for all you have done for the horror community [...]

Cut my heart into pieces

Loving you slashes my heart

Rob Englund

This message is for Rob Have a very Happy Valentine’s Day

Now Your Mine

Hello Mr. Krueger, Have been a fan since ’84 when it all began and had [...]

Man Of Your Dreams

Thanks For Letting Us Be Apart Of Your World Robert A Special Happy Valentine’s Day [...]

Am I dreaming

Make your woman very happy this valentines by asking her to tie the knot. Dreams [...]

Without You

Happy Valentine’s Day To Nancy & Robert! My Valentine Card Was Inspired By The “Freddy’s [...]


Here's a poem: Roses are red. Violets are blue. Don't fall asleep. Bitch! Happy Valentine’s [...]

Machete, meet finger gloves

Freddy and Jason have a…complicated relationship. But at the end of the day, they really [...]


Happy Valentine’s day !!!!!!!!!

Valentine’s Party

I've been a fan of this series for a long time. Long enough that all [...]

Great catch

Hope you enjoy this Valentine with some subtly added "Elm Street" characteristics.


Have a great Valentine's Day, Robert!

Freddy’s love

Hey Robert, I hope you like my card

Kristina Thomas

Freddy is a idol and this has been so much fun to do

Dream Valentine

Happy Freddy the 14th

She’s Mine

Biggest fan!! Hoping one day to meet you!! I have met Heather Langenkamp at a [...]


Robert, Hope you like this amazing creation I made just for you! You're amazing at [...]

Man of your dreams

I hope you like the drawing! Took me like 3 days…

Bleeding Heart (amended)

Please don't post this message haha! Submission as before but should read "blood is red" [...]

I’m your boyfriend now!

Happy Valentines!

I’m Your Boyfriend Now!

First contest I've done! Tried to integrate details from the first movie, which I love– [...]

Welcome to my Nightmare

Welcome to my Nightmare, won’t you be mine? Happy Valentine’s Day! It’ll be a Dream!

“No Heart Feelings, right?”

Hope you enjoy this little doodle, Robert! Thank you for all of the memories!

Silent Night, Deadly Night !

Une chaleureuse et mortelle Saint-Valentin pleine de cauchemars flamboyants ! Douce nuit, sanglante nuit.

Valentine’s Dead Day

Wanna suck tongue? Happy Valentines dead day

A Valentine on Elm Street

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you enjoy this card!

Nightmares box of chocolates

Happy valentine times day! Your are my favorite actor of all time and I hope [...]

Joyeux Cauchemars

Happy Valentine's Day, Robert ! Beaucoup d'amour et de joyeux cauchemars pour l'éternité.

Freddy Valentine Dream Killer

Freddy will be in your Dreams on Valentines Day!!!!!!

Freddy’s Valentine

Dear Freddy, Us Elm street brats don’t deserve a man of your standing and sheer [...]

#1 Heartbreaker on Valentines Day

Hey, Big fan I made this in my photoshop class I had in highschool and [...]

I’m The Man of Your Dreams!

What a blast! Nothing but love for the man of MY dreams! ♡

I ❤️ U

Happy Valentine's Day Robert! "EYE" put my "HEART" in this for "U"! Been stealin' hearts [...]

Freddy: Will you be my Valentine?

Hi Robert, I felt inspired and sent in a new entry for the card contest! [...]

Slashed Right Through the Heart

You will always be my favorite horror villain!

Addicted love

Happy Valentines Day to a true legend! To the man who made my childhood awesome!! [...]

Mr. Steal your heart

To our favorite horror villain, you always have and always will continue to steal our [...]

A Cut Above the Rest

Showcasing Freddy’s true love: his glove.

I’m Your Boyfriend Now!

Inspired by vintage Valentine’s Day cards (my favorites). This image was done digitally, so if [...]

gifts for you….

in my living room i have this gifts from Freddy Krueger.. even in my dreams…

Kiss of dreams

Happy Valentine’s Day you’ve got my heart

Happy Valentine’s Slay from your Dream Child

Happy valentine's day from Jaxson Kelley age 7.


happy velmetvs day

Forever Mine

Wishing you very frightful Valentines Day Robert. May your day be filled with scares and [...]

The Headless Glover

Thanks for doing this awesome contest again!

Such a Cute Dream.

Keep it Creepy!

Stolen Heart ❤️

Roses are red, Nightmares are true, You’ve stolen our hearts… Freddy has too Happy Valentine’s [...]

Pixar Freddy

Hello Robert. I enjoyed you in V. Live Neil

see you in your dreams

Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you like this card design!

Freddy’s Card

Happy Valentine's Day to all Freddy fans! I hope you have/find a partner this year [...]

See You in My Dreams

Happy Valentines Day to the King of Horror, This card is done with all cut [...]

Take a Pizza my Heart

thank you for all the heartfelt scares.

Jack in the box

I’m a huge fan and love having the opportunity to enter this contest! I love [...]

Splatters of the Heart

You've been my favorite "monster" since I was kid. Gorever Yours! 😘

Americas Sweetheart

Happy Valentine’s Day.

“NO Glove, NO LOVE !!!!”

VERSiON One, i have ANOTHER one where it says, “happy Valentine’s Day….bitch” down in the [...]

Cupid on Elm Street

This is a slightly reworked design that I created digitally. I participated in this contest [...]

Freddy’s Dream Girl

Thank you so much for this opportunity! You're an inspiration to all Happy Valentines Day, [...]

I only dream of you

Hi Robert i am your Biggest Fan. You are the best. I wish you and [...]

Criminal love

Which of the two will hurt less…….?

A Death Sentence

My art style may not be the best but it’s worth a shot for this [...]

I’m your boyfriend now

You're my mom's valentine every year. I got my mom's permission to be in the [...]

Freddy ❤️ Police

Freddy loves helping out the local police department with Trunk or Treat. Just don’t fall [...]

Griff’s Valentine Card

Roses are red, violets are blue – Robert Englund is the best 'Freddy Kruegerooo…..'

Kruger’s Valentine #1

Happy Valentine’s Day to the best horror character of all time!

Man of my Nightmares

Mr. Sandman bring me an scream, make it the most chilling that I have ever [...]

Scream Queen

Freddy has always been my favorite slasher!! Huge fan!!

American Beauty

Another year I send an art to participate in this competition that I've been waiting [...]

Sweet Dreams, Valentine! 2024

I decided on giving Freddy Soul Chocolates, Roses, and Bottle of Bourbon, awaiting his new [...]

Freddy’s valentines cafe

Valentines can check in but they can’t check out

Jason valdez

Ur my idol ur awesome hope u like my valentine

Uugh…it’s so basic!

So I know I uploaded my "artwork" 1 hour ago all funny and stuff…and now [...]


Hello! I am a 15 year old artist from the UK and am a huge [...]

You’re The ONE For Me

Hello and salutations! Here is my submission for the 2019 Valentine’s Day card. This is [...]


Happy Valentine’s Day dear Robert

Dream Me Up Freddy Cat

Freddy Cat takes up a multi-billionaire's offer and journeys into outer space.


Freddy preparing a boiling love soup

You Make My Nightmares Come True

Got inspiration for this from my girlfriend who is a huge Freddy fan. The secret [...]

Nightmare Cupid

Date Night Freddy Style

I’m the man of your dreams

Happy Valentine's day "Dream Lover"!

Choose your Dream…..

Are dreams really always beautiful? Try to choose the dream you like best ……..

Valentine For Freddy

Hello. Here is the digital drawing of Freddy I drew that I would like to [...]

To My Sweetheart

I will love ya to death! (I stayed till the early hours finishing your card, [...]

Freddy’s Revenge

Our 5 year old daughter decided to draw Freddy, from seeing a picture her dad [...]


Thanks Mr. Englund for the opportunity!

Leonardo De’ Freddio

I did this illustration in January of 2021 but didn't know of the Valentine's Day [...]

Sweet Dreams

I had a slashing good time creating Sweet Dreams. My dreams thank you in the [...]


Happy valentines bitch! How's this for a wet dream!

Ready for Valentine, Bitch?

Dear Robert Thanks for the dreams! Greetings from Switzerland Sarina

My Krueger Valentine

Valentine, you’re more than a little meatball. You’re my soul food

Dream Lover

Happy Valentines to Robert (and Freddy). 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity and please let [...]

Dreams and Heart

love often steals our heart ….. but what if it were just a dream?

Time to Prune the Roses

1.. 2.. Freddy’s coming for you 3.. 4.. Cause I’m a herbivore 5.. 6.. Try [...]

Prime valentine

3 years in a row participating and still just happy you’re seeing my art. Thank [...]

Without You

Happy Valentine’s Day To Nancy & Robert! My Entry Was Inspired By The “Freddy’s Dead" [...]

Be my Valentine?

Happy Valentine

1…2…I’m Hot for You

Hello Robert! Here is my submission for your 2019 Valentine’s Day card. My submission shows [...]

I love you thiiiiiiis much!

Hi! I've been a big fan of Freddy Krueger ever since I had a dream [...]

Lets Have Some Fn Bourbon Valentine!

Hello! I hand drawn this Valentines card with charcoal pencils. It originates from the scene [...]

Your Nightmare Valentine

Inspired by the man himself, Robert Englund!

Happy Valentine Freddy

Hope I win this contest you are a true legend thanks!!!!

Kiss Me Through The Phone

Hello Mr. Englund! My name is Giuilianna Angulo, or, @/ theleftavenue . I am 20 [...]

Nightmare on Valentines Day

Hello Mr. Englund. This is my Lady and the Tramp inspired Valentines design. I hope [...]


Now you're streaming with power.

Will you be my valentine… forever

Have a happy Valentine’s Day ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

HOT Freddy

Hi Freddy!

Scratch your back

Thank you for being great to your fans

Without You I’m Nothing

This card was inspired by the Freddy’s Dead poster, that I loved as a kid [...]

My Heart

Happy Valentine's Day to the man of my nightmares! I grew up watching your movies [...]


Love your movies!!

Your eyes say “no, no.” But my mouth says “yes, yes.”

Hello Robert! My name is Rafael, from Brazil. Here I am again, one more year [...]



A dream come true

Being with you is a dream come true! Happy Valentine’s Day!

I love you this much

Happy Valentines Day Robert! 🖤

I Burn For You

Dear Robert, Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for entertaining us for all these years and [...]

Eat your heart out

To the first man of my dreams. Hoping you will be my Valentine, has me [...]

9, 10 you’re still my best friend

This was my dog Ralphie. We spent his last Halloween dressed up as our favorite [...]


Hi Mr Krueger, Hope you will like my art for your San Valentine’ s contest. [...]

Happy Valentines 🙂

Have a good one dude, found this online and thought you'd like it.

My Valentine, Sweet Dreams

Happy Valentine's Day Mr. Englund! Hope you have a sweet one! <3


Howdy, Mr. Englund! Huge fan here — you’ve inspired me to take a stab at [...]

Pizzaface Valentine

Oh boy where do I start … Hmm well, this is my third time entering [...]

9, 10 you’re still my best friend

This was my dog Ralphie. We spent his last Halloween dressed up as our favorite [...]

Dreams and Heart

Love steals the heart ……. dreams steal the mind, but often mind and heart travel [...]

Quit Playing With My Heart

Old school, but still a classic!


Roses are red Don’t sleep in your bed Violets are blue I’m coming for you

Brandon roberts

I love Freddy Krueger movies

Freddy’s Be Mine Sweater Heart

First time taking part in the Valentine Card contest and I am by far no [...]

Love Kills

Hello Mr. Robert Englund My name is Gonzalo De Montreuil, I’m a graphic artist and [...]

Without You

Happy Valentine’s Day To Nancy & Robert! My Entry Was Inspired By The “Freddy’s Dead" [...]

“Heartbreaker, Dream Maker…”

Happy Valentine’s Day to Robert and family! Thank you all for having this contest every [...]

Dream Lovers

Hi Robert, here I send my participation in the Valentine's card contest, I hope you [...]

Got me all scrambled

Got me all scrambled

Tim bullard

Haunted watauga county

Pt 2of2 Roses are dead, violets aren’t new and I sharpened my claws just for you

I’ve submitted 3 other cards, but this card was designed by my girlfriend who is [...]

You’re my favorite bitch

Dear Mr. Englund “A nightmare on Elm Street” was the first horror movie I watched [...]

“The Doctor is In…”

Robert, Thank you so much for the work you have done and for the impact [...]


With love always to everyone on Elm Street – Happy Valentine's Day 2022!

Cupid on Elm Street

This is the same card design with a plain white background

Hey Valentine… Wanna suck face?

Hi Robert! I had loads of fun drawing up my Valentine's competition entry for 2021, [...]

Claudia Giustiniani

Hi Freddy … I often dream and I’m your admirer. I embrace you and I [...]

Freddy’s Soul(mate) Pizza

Happy Valentines Day to Robert and all the Elm Street Bratz!

Sweet Dreams

Sweet dreams bitch!

Freddy’s Bloody Valentine

Hi Freddy, I really love your movies, I think they are awesome. But anyway this [...]

Bon Appetit

Happy Valentine To Mr and Mrs Englund xo K

My heart

You Have My Heart, Valentine

no way

second time participating! I had a lot of fun doing it. Robert, you are sensational! [...]

Hearts and farts

Hearts and farts

Freddy’s Message

Tell Em' Freddy Sent yah! Happy Valentines Day Dreamers!

Man of you dreams

Robert, I’ve always been a huge fan!! Thank you for all the enjoyment that you [...]

Lefty freehand be mine Freddy

My son Trenton was born my nephew, and I knew the minute he was born; [...]

Wanna Suck Face?!

I’m here attempting to submit my entry once again…would really like to be a part [...]

I Creely love you!

I Creely love you in a strange way!

You’re mine now Piggy!

You're my inspiration and an absolute icon. Thank you Robert for everything you have done.

Freddy’s Home

Freddy will always be one of my favorite horror monsters! Robert, you are a legend! [...]

Don’t be scared it’s only me with your Valentine xo

Happy Bloody Valentine's Day you Magnificent Bastard ❤️ xo

My Heart Is Yours

Hello Robert and Happy Valentine's Day! Just wanted to show some love to you and [...]

Freddy the Bear

Dear Freddy, Be my bloody Valentine! Love, Melany xxx


Whilst part of the design itself was originally meant to be a tribute to the [...]

I’m your Valentine now

Thanks for all you do and for all the great movies you acted in

Heart Stealer (Zach Faris)

Now allow me to steal yours…

Face it

Robert, Happy Valentine's day. We hope you enjoy deez nutz.. Love Iris Black

Man of your dreams

I have been a Freddy fan for the majority of my life. It would be [...]

Man of your dreams

Long life the dream god !

My heart’s burning for you!

You're my worst nightmare and my heart's burning for you! Happy Valentine's day! xoxo Jess

Care for Something Sweet?

Hi, Robert im a huge fan. I first saw Nightmare On Elm St when i [...]

“You Should Listen to your Mother”

Happy Valentine’s Day to Robert and all of the Freddy fans! I always love participating [...]

Pt 1of2 Roses are dead, violets aren’t new and I sharpened my claws just for you

I’ve submitted 3 other cards, but this card was designed by my girlfriend who is [...]

Teddy Krueger

This is by far the coolest Valentine’s Day contest EVER! Happy bloody Valentine’s Day, Robert!

You’re all I’m dreaming of!

Roses are red, Violets are blue, You’re all I dream of, Do you dream of [...]

Eye Like You

I’m glad that I heard of this in time. I hope you like my submission. [...]

Freddy’s Got A Heart

My heart melts for you – thanks for a lifetime of frights!

Man Of your Dreams

Man of your Dreams! Happy Valentine!

Love at first dream

Hope you like my valentine

You Old Snake!

Sorry Robert but I'm no budding artist I'm afraid! 🤣🤣🤣

Be mine

My 7yr old was all about her own valentine photo shoot for her card! She [...]

Burn, baby, burn!

It's an honor to be able to create something for such an icon of horror. [...]

Heart Eyed Freddy

Had a blast making this!

Welcome to my world, bitch.

Hello Robert! My name is Rafael, from Brazil. Here I am again, one more year [...]

Burning Heart

Hi Robert! My name is Isabelle, I’m 17 and I’m a huge fan. I look [...]

Dream Daddy

After 31 years I can’t get enough of Freddy! Thanks for your work and for [...]


Happy Valentine's Day Robert & Nancy!

I’m your Valentine Now

Just happy to of had the opportunity to participate in a contest held by Freddy [...]

We got six more minutes to play

Happy Valentine's Robert Englund. You are amazing Horror actor of my childhood years.

I’m Your Boyfriend Now… Bitch!

You can haunt my dreams anytime sexy man! xOxOxO…

Blood Type FK

To: My Bloody Valentine From: Freddy Krueger

Burnin’ love

I did his skin two different colours to show burnt skin. My mum is a [...]


How Sweet!

Getting into my heart has never been THIS easy!

I’m sure Freddy would love to wish all those piggies out there a happy Valentine’s [...]

Jason Mallory

This is Valentines Day Happy Valentine’s Day

Freddy is your sweetheart now.

Hope ya’ll have great valentine’s day! Thanks for giving fans the opportunity to create images [...]

Be My Nightmare

Your eyes say no, no! But your heart says yes, yes! Thank you for playing [...]

Without You

Happy Valentine’s Day To Nancy & Robert! My Entry Was Inspired By The “Freddy’s Dead" [...]

February is cold you’re not here

Thank you for the contest, I love Freddy from the very beginning, happy to honor [...]

Count the Ways

The ways look finite.

You are only at my valentine

Hi Robert i am your biggest fan…you are the best..happy Valentine for you and a [...]

Mayara Cardoso

Hello Robert I’m from Brazil, and access to you is so difficult here. I dream [...]


You sexy beast..

The man of your dreams!

Freddy’s revenge was always a favorite Nightmare of mine. Always loved that poster too! Freddy [...]

1985 8 Pixel Freddy!

Quit Playing Games Valentine! YOUR MINE! Mario Who? It's A Me, Freddy Bitch!

Happy Valentine’s day

Your awesome!!!

Get Freddy for Valentine’s day!

Happy Valentine's Day! Love seeing all of the submissions!

Sucking Face

Who doesn’t like to suck a little face every now and then?

Pamela Whiteford

Hi Freddy this is a Valentine’s I made for my fiancé, she absolutely loves you [...]

Erik Alexandre

Love you for you. Simply

Elm st style Be Mine card

This is a photo of the original I made with Prismacolor markers. If you decide [...]

Sneaky, Sneaky

Sneaky, Sneaky how about a hickey?

My Bloody valentine

Heyo Fred 🥺🥺. Its not much but I love you like a lot. And I [...]

Miss me?

Dear Mr. Englund, I would like to thank you for all the valuable work and [...]

Valentine Tarot Card

You Have My Heart Now I Have Yours

You Make My World Upside Down

Dear Robert Englund, It’s truly an honor for me to pariticipate once again in your [...]

Fiery Smile

Just an idea! The 'bare bones', lol 🤣🤣🤣

Happy Valentine’s Freddy Krueger

you snooze lose .you never sleep again hahah your my valentines now

You’re a Dream

Sweet Dreams!!


Have a Happy Valentines Day. Been a big fan of all your work for many [...]

Roleplay tonight?

Happy Valentines, hope I don’t break your heart

My Valentine meatball

Trying to make it look like the pizza Freddy ate on nightmare on elm st [...]

I’m your Valentine Now!!!

Just happy to of had the opportunity to participate in a contest held by Freddy [...]

Wet dream? Or just a bloody nightmare?

Dear Robert Happy Valentines hope Freddy has a hot date! If not I’ll be! Haha! [...]

I’m Your Boyfriend Now: Ghost Vs Freddy

Hi Robert, I love a good movie mash up, so here it is – Ghost [...]

I’m your boyfriend now Nancy

What better a way to spend Valentine's day, then filling a lung with Freddy's long, [...]

Soul Pizza of Love

I based my card off of one of my favorite Freddy scenes!

Invoking the Love of Freddy (Freddy’s Prayer)

Nothing says I love you more than belonging to and being coveted by the Master [...]


Happy Valentines Robert! Thank you for all the nightmares all these years, wouldn’t want anyone [...]


I love to draw. Thank you for this contest. Sincerely, O.


Hey, whats up? You’re the best!

My bloody Valentine 🥰

Hi Robert,send you greatz from good old Germany!I am a Fan since Day 1!!Too you [...]

F-ready For Love

I also had the "Man of your Dreams" idea but figured this one may be [...]

With burning love I give you my heart

Hey Freddy 1,2 here’s the card for you, 3,4 your blades unleash the gore. I [...]

Sweet Screams!

Mr Dream man……..Bring me your Screams!

Be Mine

Your a cut above

Be Mine

I met Robert at the 13th annual Fright Fest in San Antonio. He is a [...]

Yvonnes bloody dreams

Who needs red roses when one can dream of you… Happy Valentines Day!


Happy valentines 💝 Robert you have been my most favorite horror actor since I was [...]

Puppy Love

C'mon Robert … you know it is definitely more than puppy love.

Freddy Love

Mr. Robert, cheers to a Happy Valentines Day. See you in your dreams! ✌🏻

Sweetheart – You’re a Dream

Thank you for the opportunity to create something fun! I only had a few sleepy [...]

Freddy puppet love

U are my favorite nightmare. See u in my dreams. Love Hope

Happy valentine bitch

You were absolutely fabulous and I wouldn’t mind Freddy hunting me in my dreams

I Love You My Pretty And Your Little Soul Too!

Dear Robert and Nancy, Greetings from Texas! I never thought of myself as a big [...]

Sweet Dreams

See You in your dreams Robert.

Give me your heart

Hi Robert! Didn’t quite finish coloring!

Alex Hoffman

Hi Freddy, I am a huge fan of you and have been for years! I [...]

No Strings

I love the puppet scene in A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. This [...]

You’re the only soul for me Valentine

Uncle Freddy also needs some love on Valentine’s Day.

Out of my head, into my bed

I'm your boyfriend now, Robert.

Love Bites!

Happy Valentine’s Day, Robert! Encouraged by a friend of mine who’s also participating, I decided [...]

You’ve got the body/I’ve got the brain

To the man who was and likely always be the biggest inspiration to me, thank [...]


Holiday greetings

There’s a light

Happy Valentine's Day!!! Love, Some dream warriors

Be My Bloody Valentine

This Valentines Card was done by Tigger's Dog Rescue for all of you Freddy Kruger [...]

Freddy Krueger

Hi Freddy ?? I’m a 15 years old girl and i love you so much…also [...]

I’m your Valentine now Nancy

Nightmare on Elm Street was the series that got me into the horror genre and [...]

Dreamy Guy

I used to watch your movies all the time which really is what got me [...]


Wanna suck face?

Im Your Valentine Now

I’m a huge fan, you’ve brought a lot of joy (and fear) into my life. [...]

Freddy Krueger Cupid

To Freddy: “Thank you for being Freddy, everyday.” To Mr Englund: “Thanks for trying so [...]


Be my Valentine. Cut and Chew me… CHEWblooder… Best Regards and bloody week.

Film of Love

Have a dreamy Valentine with Nancy.

Forever Yours Valentine card

Dearest Robert, You give and give and give! I hope this Forever valentine reminds you [...]

Be Mine

This is my second time entering this contest and absolutely love seeing everybody else's take [...]

Vallentine in Elm Streeet

It was a special day in Elm Street, Valentine's Day was the only day when [...]

I’m your Valentine now

This is a play on “I’m your boyfriend now Nancy” line which I feel is [...]

Battle of the hearts

These are my Valentine's Day children Jason

Freddy’s Best Nightmare

Happy Vday Mr. Englund 😉 if you're ever in Salt Lake I'd love to buy [...]


Hi, I’m from Argentina, I’m a fan, let Freddy come back !!

Dream Lover

Dream lover- where are you?

Im you’re Valentine now!!

Im you're Valentine now!!

Elm Street Dreams

A poster design I made inspired by the vintage 80's look of postcards, as well [...]

I’ll Get You My Pretty!

Dear Robert, you'll always be the demon of my dreams. Thanks for all the nightmares!

Bloody Valentine 2023

Fred wishes you a bloody valentine!

It’s all pillow talk

Dear Freddy, I am a huge fan of yours. I was a Fangoria kid in [...]

Baby meat

Thank you for introducing me to the world of horror…and my 18 month old son, [...]

I beat my high score

Been a huge fan for most of my life! I was so happy to finally [...]


Loving you. Cut my heart out on Valentine. Bloody Dreams

You Set my Soul on Fire!

I wanted this card to be Punny!

Slashing my way to your Heart

To the Englunds Happy Valentines! Robert you are an inspiration! Thank you

Stacy armijo

I am obsessed with the nightmare on elm street movies. Robert englund has always been [...]

Nice Hearing From You

One Of The Coolest Scenes From "Freddy’s Dead" As A Special Valentine’s Day Message.

I’m obsessed with you!

Hi! I’ve been a long time fan of yours and I absolutely enjoyed drawing this [...]

A Lovely Nightmare

One, two, here’s a message for you! I hope your Valentine’s Day is filled with [...]

Freddy’s Coming for You

Happy Valentine’s Day from the soon to be birthday girl

They Call It Love

Freddy is a inspirational figure to me and has gotten me through tough times.

Sweet Dreams

I'm so committed to winning this contest that I made a new card. I I [...]

Dreams of love

I think you’re awesome

Robert Englund

Hey Freddy, you sexy boy. Can’t wait to see you in my dreams after this [...]

Freddy’s Valentine

I have been a huge fan of Nightmares On Elm Street series and Freddy Kruger. [...]

1,2 Freddy’s in love with you

Hope this is the valentine's of your dreams

Calling for yoy

Thank you for doing this contest again!

Freddy’s Love Juice

C'mon, you know it's better than the little blue pills.

Bee Mine

What if Freddy was a bee slashing flowers at Elm Street?

My Heart Strings

Thank you for doing this contest again this year. It’s my third year entering. I [...]

Sleeping Beauty nightmare

Robert, I hope you like this card, I made it with love. I'm from Brazil [...]

Dylan’s card

My father first introduced me to Freddy, now my son is also a loyal fan. [...]

Dream man

Hello my dad entered the contest so I wanted to also. I am 12 years [...]

Be Mine

I met Robert at the 13th annual Fright Fest. He is a legend by all [...]

Dream Lover

Horror can be fun too.

Just Another Guy

I’m just another guy who has grown up loving your work. Hope you’re having a [...]

from sg

How About a Little Piece of Your Heart this Valentine's Day?

Teddy valentine

Thank you for asking me to submit again this year!! I can’t believe I’m still [...]

Bloody valentine

My 8 year old son Ryan is a huge fan, he wanted to make this [...]

I love you THIS much!

Happy Valentine’s Day to the monster of my dreams!

Damaris Lopez

Thank you for the opportunity 😉

Anime Freddy

Happy Valentine's Killer

Felis Domesticus

Sure, you might not believe in fairytales, But it's still a purr-fect opportunity!

True Glove

Enjoy the card Fred! We all have one true Glove!

Be mine

Hello Robert! Here I am again, one more year in this contest! I am sending [...]

You have my heart

Thank you for being Freddy

True Love

Just because it's a love story doesn't mean it can't have a decapitation or two.

Love at first fright

May your day be filled with love that’s even scarier than your sweater. Stay sharp

Wet dream

Hey baby, how’s THIS for a wet dream (; love you!!!

Are You Kitten Me?

A kitten referencing the Valentine/ Freddy Krueger spirit!

Fresh Meat

huge fan!!


Hey freddy hope ya lose your head with the art! Sleep kills! keep up the [...]

First date Freddy

Thanks for the screams, and dreams!


What says “I love you” more than a giant dream snake calling out to you [...]

I’ll hug you forever, valentine..

Hey Mr. Englund! I entered [and lost] this challenge 2 years ago, I'm a diehard [...]

Krueger lover

Another year I send an art to participate in this competition that I've been waiting [...]

Roses are Red…

“Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, You will be running for your life when I [...]

Desperately seeking a Valentine

Happy Valentines Day!!

Always dreaming of you …

Hi Freddy, I think your amazing and love your work have been a fan since [...]

Freddy Krueger

Freddy, you are my biggest love! Sending many hugs and kisses to you! <3 <3 [...]

Slashed though the heart

forever and ever in my dreams

I Glove You…to Bits!

To Robert From instilling a love of horror and macabre humour in me during my [...]

Valentine Nightmare

Poetry always gets the girls.

Glove you to death

Thank you for allowing this opportunity!!! You’re the man!!

The Fiery Cherub

This is my second time entering! I'm really proud of this one and I hope [...]

Welcome To Valentine Bitch

Remember where you said Welcome To My World Bitch that’s where I got the card [...]

Creel Love ❤️

This is a Real Krueger Way to show your Special someone that you Creeley love [...]

Freddy Krueger

I made this Valentine Card just for you! It’s a collage graphic I made!

Everything Inch Of My Heart

Be my valentine and receive every inch of my heart

You bring the body ill bring the love

Happy valentines day mr springwood slasher.

love your enemy

Hi Robert! big fan of your work and I hope you enjoy my art Kisses [...]


I especially love your movies where you play yourself! 🙂


Hi Robert Englund I made this because I can't draw I did ask my sister [...]

Cupid Krueger

Thank you for all you have done.

Be My Nightmarish Dream Come True

I'll be the nightmare that will stay with you forever!

Killer bear

My 8 year old daughters submission.

I Creeley love you!

Isn't it strange how I Creeley love you

freddy vs cupid

i chose to have Freddy offering up Cupid as a token of his morbid affection, [...]

Be Mine

Just like a cat Freddy seems to have 9 lives +

Under my skin

Thanks for the love

Care for Something Sweet, Bitch?

Dearest Frederick, As a lifelong fan of your work, the moment I heard about this [...]

I’m Clawing My Way

Happy Valentine’s Day!

I’m your boyfriend now!

A big smoochy phone kiss to Robert!


I love how interactive and caring you are to people who adore you and your [...]

Slasher Valentine

happy valentines day nightmare

Dream Lover

Freddy’s the kind of man who will love you to death! Happy Valentine’s Day!

When Freddy Met Sally

Come back!! Fuck The Conjuring!

Strong Along

I really like the puppet scene in A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. [...]

Burning love

We love you

My Love Burns For You

It’s such a dream to be able to design a photo to try and become [...]

Dream Lover

Dream lover, where are you?

Bloody Valentine

Uncle Freddy loves his bloody valentine!

Your Heart Belongs…..To Me

Happy Valentine’s Day! Your Heart Belongs To Me!!

Dream Lover

Happy Valentines Day

Hall Monitor seeks love

I have zero artistic talent, but LOVE Robert Englund.


“Your wish is my COMMAND!!!”

Come To Daddy

Happy Disembowel-entine's Day!!! I love all your work and hope to see you at Frightmare [...]

Love hurts….

Love hurts …. Freddy

I Only Have Eyes For You!

Hey Valentine, I only have eyes for you! Ahhahahaha!


Hope you have a screaming Valentine's Day!

Freddy K

Happy Valentines Day bitch!❤❤❤

Wanna Suck Face?

Although I am massively creeped out by your films my boyfriend is a huge fan [...]

Choose Your Dream…….

Do Dreams Really Lead to Love? Are dreams really always beautiful?

Don’t Hide Away Valentine

I actually really really tried this year, and I'm happy with how it turned out [...]

Red and green is on the scene, valentine

Made this for the contest. My best to all

Be My Valentine

Thanks for all the memories of watching your movies through out the years and meeting [...]

Yvonnes Bloody Valentine

Who needs red roses when you can be seen in their dreams…Happy Valentine Robert!!!

Killer in the sheets

Freddy the killer and freak in the sheets. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Dream crusher

Hey Robert I’m longtime nightmare fan and hope you enjoy my drawing.

THIS… Is your Freddy Valentine card.

This is probably obvious but, the left picture would be the front/outside of the card [...]

No Glove No Love

No Glove No Love – a very important message on Valentine’s Day

Catch a Valentine Dream

Had a great time marrying my love of Freddy and dreamcatchers. Here’s hoping everyone catches [...]


Lovin you in my Nightmares.

Freddy’s Valentine 2023

I made cards like the ones kids get in school before and "Freddy" suggested this [...]

The whole package ✨

You’re what dreams are made of 😍

How Sweet…

Happy Valentines Day Freddy! I’de cut off an arm for you! Not mine of course, [...]

Never Sleep Again

My 9 year old daughter designed this. She's a huge Freddy fan.

Have a heart

Even Freddy is willing to give away a heart on Valentine's Day. It's not his [...]

Mayara Cardoso

Hello Robert I’m from Brazil, and access to you is so difficult here. I dream [...]


Been a big fan of all your work for many years. Its always a pleasure [...]

Love is

Hi Robert! My name is Rafael, from Brazil. Here I am again, another year in [...]

Be my nightmare

Thanks for all the frights!

My House

I'll wait for you at my house……

Your Boyfriend Now

Freddy Krueger on a Valentine’s Day themed bed. Snake design inspired by Dream Warriors

“In dreams I walk with you..”

Thank you for the opportunity and for everything you do!! Your inspiration keeps me going [...]

“I’m your boyfriend now, Nancy”

Happy valentines Day Robert, I hope you have a bloody Valentine!!

I’m going to split you in two

Will you be my valentine bitch? Kelly xx

Come back to bed.

How can Freddy get the girl if she stays awake?

Hugs are drugs

After all this social distancing, Daddy needs a hug!

Valentine nightmare

A Nightmare on Elm Street X: A Valentine's Day massacre

Freddy enamorado.

This is Lucas design for the contest (he is 5 years old!). Happy Valentine's day [...]


Happy Valentine's Day to you and Nancy! I hope you're both doing well and staying [...]

Dream a little dream of Me

You gave all kinds of spooks on Elm Street, And there’s no other Freddy like [...]


“Lets act like we are at the prom from hell!” You’re a nightmare valentine ❤️

Kelly’s card

Freddy is my go to comfort character. Is that wrong? Maybe. Do I care? Nope!

Heart Dreams

Hi Robert. This was done by my 13 yr old daughter Sophia. She knows Freddy [...]

I’m your boyfriend now, bitch!

Thanks for the terrifying nightmares, Freddy!

Choose Your Dream

Do dreams really always lead us to love? Are dreams always full of beautiful things? [...]

Bloody Valentine

Freddy is in our blood, tattoed in our Hearst. Happy Valentines!


Love this

Dream Guy

Hope you have a slicing good Valentine’s Day Robert! Love, Nicole Shepherd

Man Of 1000 Screams

Dear Freddy you are truly awesome and I love all your movies! Keep being “The [...]

Dream Big #YOLO

Dear Robert, Thank you for being the man of my dreams! Your role as Freddy [...]

Freddy’s Bouquet of Carnage

Hi Robert! My aim was to create something beautiful and disgusting, Freddy's Bouquet of Carnage! [...]

1, 2 You Make My Dreams Come True

Happy Valentine’s Day!! Nobody does it like you- thank you for everything you’ve done for [...]

One, two your Valentine’s coming for you…

Happy Valentine's Day! I've been a fan for a long time! Thanks for giving your [...]

One, two, Freddy’s waiting for you

Hello, dear Mr. Englund! I’m a dark, horror artist & illustrator from Russia, better known [...]

Time of your life

Just a little movie smash up.

Freddyzinosaurus Tasty Valentine

Hi Freddy, will you come and haunt my dreams as a monstrous creature of nightmares [...]

Flower “Heads”

"Dear Robert, Wishing you a killer Valentine's Day! In the garden of nightmares, you hold [...]

The Dreamweavin’ Fred Krueger

Dearest Frederick, Is there any more romantic an album cover than the iconic Freewheelin’ Bob [...]

Bleeding heart

To Robert, always wear your heart on your sleeve. Easy done if Freddy has ripped [...]

Love Kills Bitches

Robert we love you!! Happy Valentines Day!!!!!

Captured heart

Happy Valentine’s Day to all. Thank you. Take care!


Thank you for this incredible chance to send you something

I Love You My Pretty, And Your Little Soul Too!

Dear Robert and Nancy, Greetings from Texas! I never thought of myself as a big [...]

A love Like Freddy

From my age of 10 when you first showed on the screen , I was [...]

Youuu Are My Valentine

Happy Valentines Day to the man of my dreams and nightmares! Your work has inspired [...]

You’re the Sweetest!

I absolutely Loved making this card, and I hope it serves its purpose to pass [...]

Valentine pizza

Trying to do it like from ur movie when u say Rick u little meatball [...]

Take another “pizza” my heart

Thanks for the many years of heartfelt screams.

Best frenemies

Best frenemies, Freddy and Jason want to hang out with you this Valentine’s Day!

A Slice for my Darling

Happy Valentines Day! First time I have tried something like this, and what better time [...]

a dream come nightmare

Thank you for the oportunity, I always wanted the opportunity to tell you that you [...]

I thought we were role playing tonight?

Have a bloody valentine, sleep tight don’t let Freddy bite

The Man of Your Dreams

This was a bit rushed, due to me finding out about this last minute, but [...]

Your a Dream

Happy Valentine's Day! Hope your day is a scream! Sweet Nightmares! -Rhonda

My Heart Aches for You

Freddy has always been my favorite! Happy Valentine's Day! xo -Haley

Be Mine

Hello Robert. I paid tribute to you and your wife last year, I don't know [...]

The Chains of Love

Hiya Freddy, wishing you a whole boiler room of love this Valentine's Day. Much love [...]

Happy love season bitches!!

Happy Valentines Day to everyone’s favorite slasher!!

Man of Your Dreams

As huge Robert Englund fans from the UK, myself (RetroReview) and fellow artist Bolt from [...]

Freddy Bear!

Freddy Bear Will keep you safe……

Infinite Love

I decided to have long-armed Freddy Krueger giving his heart with the infinity sign, this [...]

Freddy’s Heart

Ripped my heart out just for you

Bleeding Love

Its certainly not the best but I tried 🙂

Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue…

The man of my dreams (and nightmares). Thank you for bringing Freddy to life!

To all the female fans out there!

Jason? Michael? They ain’t got no style! Keep on clickin’,Mr. Krueger! You’re the true King [...]

A Valentine on Elm Street

Dear Mr. Krueger, I am a huge fan of your work. Have been since before [...]

Welcome to pug time bitch !!!

Roses are DEAD..violets are blue.. Freddys an icon and so are you keep up the [...]

Lose Your Head

Happy Valentine’s Day!! Don’t be a Kristen and spoil it!

Kill 4 me

Hey Robert, my name is Chelsea and I’m 19. I’m from Australia! I have autism [...]

Hey valentine

Here’s my valentine card

My dream girl

"Roses are red, Violets are blue, I'll be in your dreams, Just waiting for you." [...]

Classic love

For an old dude your pretty hot

1, 2, Hoping For You…

Have a killer Valentine's Day! You've shaped my childhood and helped guide me into being [...]

Nightmare on love street

Happy bloody valentines day

I’ll Get You

A beautiful Valentine photo card of collector memorabilia, with a killer poem.

I Have My Eye on You, Valentine

Hey Freddy! I am 14 yrs old and a Huge Fan. I hope you like [...]

Love’s Nightmare

Dear Mr. Englund, Happy Valentine's Day! Thank you for being such an inspiration. You are [...]

“Oh, Shiela!!!!”

a reworking….

Freddy Cat

The claws are coming to get you!

One Two, I Love You

Win or lose, I had fun creating this because I love the character of Freddy. [...]

Got Your Heart!

Dear Robert, I am a big fan of your work and Freddy Krueger and when [...]

In my dreams

You set my world on fire

Candy Nightmare

Grateful for all your work Mr. Englund! Look forward to meeting you one day!

Freddy is your boyfriend now

Happy valentine's day to Robert and his wife Nancy!


Dude, you’re such a lady killer

Dream Lover

Roses are red, violets are blue, Freddy is dead , still he's coming for you! [...]

It was all a Dream

I have always been a big horror fan, but Nightmare on Elm St was one [...]

Dead Weight

Always thought this scene was great

Have A Heart

Happy Valentine’s day, we hope you enjoy this! xoxo -Haley & Dustin (The Lucid Graveyard)

Soul food

Soul food

Suck my face

Thank you for being the reason I have nightmares

Are you my Valentine?

Roses are red, Valentine's day is here. Have a beautiful day with Nancy.

Be Mine, Krueger!

This contest is so much fun! I’ve been a big fan of Freddy since I [...]

You’ll be in my dreams

I am SUCH A HUGE FAN OF YOURS. A Nightmare on Elm Street was the [...]

Burning Passion

Hello Robert, I've been fan ever since I can remember especially of you as Freddy. [...]

Freddy love

Happy Valentine's Day! Your an amazing actor! Thank you!

Freddy’s Delivery


Freddy vs Siren

The mermaid must count for freddy but will he fall in love?

Freddy’s Bitch

Rob/Freddy – A huge thank you for your dedication to the franchise. The original nightmare [...]


Be my UNCUT Valentine, Nancy. Every year…

One, two, Freddy’s loving on you….

Happy Valentine’s Day to my favourite bad guy! Sleep tight Freddy is out tonight

A Valentine on Elm Street

Dear Mr. Krueger, I am a huge fan of your work. Have been since before [...]

I would kill for you

Been a fan since I was 5


A little TWiST on Klimt’s “The Kiss” with YOU & Shiela !!!!

Inside you!


Dream on

Done by LJ Thank you.

1, 2: I Love You

Happy Valentine’s Day! Thanks for the nightmares!!!

My charred romance

As Robert might say,"Keep your mouths shut and yer gloves tied tight,cause Freddy loves ya!" [...]

Bloody Valentines

A bloody Valentine’s card featuring Freddy Krueger.


The quality of my 1st upload wasn’t good so I tried again. Hope you like [...]

Be my “Bloody” valentine

I love you Freddy comeback to the big screen

Freddy Heartbox

Here’s my card! I’m a tattoo artist and love drawing horror. Hope you and your [...]

I only have eyes for you

Freddy (Mr. Englund), I hope you like the card I submitted. As soon as I [...]

Hell is a Place on Earth With You

Submitting this again because I don’t know if this went through the other time. If [...]

Wet Dream

Thanks for a lifetime of laughs and nightmares!

You are Freddy Krueger….

Don't thinking to much, don't worry to much,don't drink to much , you are Freddy [...]

Love Dream

Freddy kills eros god of love waiting for dreamers to become eros in his world [...]

You’ve got the body and I have your heart!

A wonderful Valentine's to all those special dream killers out there!


Hi Robert, this is my draw for the Valentine contest. It represents yuo in Freddy [...]

” I can be your sweet dream.”

I really hope you enjoy this piece. I just recently found out about this contest [...]

No Glove No Love

Happy Valentine’s Day

A Hand To Hold

Happy Valentine’s Day, Robert! You have been quite an inspiration to my creativity as a [...]

You have my heart

Freddy Krueger know that we are miles apart you have haunted my dreams through years [...]


To Mr and Mrs Englund Happy Valentines hope to see you again soon

Be my Valentine

Left this blank so you can add to it

Welcome to Valentine’s Day… Bitch!

Here’s my second submission! I didn’t see anything that said I couldn’t submit more than [...]


In your dreams!

Valentine’s 2024

“You wormed your way into my heart.”

Baby you make all of my nightmare’s come true

Got inspiration for this from my girlfriend who is a huge Freddy fan.

VD Card

A handmade card drawn by Simply Betty, inked and put together by me. I love [...]

Carve your heart out

Hello, I am Jazlyn. I am 10 years old and my mom allowed me to [...]

Bready Freddy

Happy V-day, Robert! Thank you for the nightmares! Much love from Finland!<3

“How Sweet ” 2021

Don’t Drink The Kool-Aid


Greetings fron Caracas Venezuela, we meet in Spooky Empire Orlando few years ago and we [...]

Heart Head Freddy

My head throbs for you!

Freddy Steals Your Heart

Dear Mr. Robert Englund. Hi ! I'm 15 years old girl in Japan. I'm a [...]

Dream Man

Hello, Mr. Englund! I am a tattoo apprentice and I drew Freddy’s Valentine in a [...]

Heart & Souls

Happy Valentine’s Day Freddy…giving you my heart & soul….

“You Complete Me!”

Hiya, Sweetheart! Seems like even a poor soul like YOU needs some luvin’ this Valentine’s [...]

I WOULD KILL to be with YOU

its me again! this time with a cute Freddy with his dead buddies.This party is [...]

Love is…

I made this drawing inspired by the vintage "Love is…" cards and I hope you [...]

Totally NOT My Favorite Girl

Dear Robert, Happy New Year! This is the third time I am joining your contest. [...]

Big Head

Happy valentines day ….I hope to meet you in person one day

For My Sweet Heart

I will love ya to death!

Wanna suck face?

You will always be our favorite 🖤

Wanna Suck Face?

Dear Freddy, You’ve been searching for love in all the wrong places, so to help [...]

The man of your nightmares

Thank you for all the nightmare fuel. Keep giving us a fright 🙂


Blood is red and veins are blue. Would you say you do?? Marry me!


Lee a really big fan of your

Dont be heartless

I’ve been a fan since I was a child. Freddy is my favorite horror villain [...]

Wanna suck face?

Hi Robert! I hope you enjoy the card/design. Happy Valentines Day!

Burning Love 🔥

Let’s face it. Everyone’s been burned in love at least once in their life. What [...]

1,2, heart for you

Hey Fred, have a heart?


Hi Mr. Englund. My name is Samara Turner I'm 11 years Old. I love Japanese [...]

I’ll Be Your Prime Time

I’ve been obsessed with your movies since I can remember. Nightmare on Elm Street with [...]

Be mine

Hello Robert! Here I am again, one more year in this contest! I am sending [...]

Love Cuts Deep

Thank you, Robert, for igniting my lifelong passion for horror!

Dream Warrior

7, 8 Better stay up late, 9, 10 Never sleep again!

be mine

i just wanted to give this a go. i got a new digital program to [...]

Happy Valentine’s Day Freddy Krueger

Happy Valentine's Day! You're my favorite nightmare, Valentine!

You make me “High”

Happy Valentines Day to Robert and Nancy! Im excited to enter the Valentine contest again! [...]

“Tina’s WORLD”

HOMAGE to Andrew Wyeth’s “Christina’s World”

You really got a hold on me

I'll see you in my dreams. Happy Valentine's day

My Dreamy Valentine

You expected diamonds ohh what a wonderful dream but your actually in Freddy's world "Your [...]

All my love is for you!

Robert, I do respect you and admire a lot all of your work. I’ve been [...]

How Sweet. Fresh Meat.

Nightmare Kisses and Valentine Wishes

You’ve Got The Body, I’ve Got The Brain

You’re our favorite! Thank you so much for giving us artists this amazing opportunity. Happy [...]

The Man of My Dreams

Freddy is my favorite slasher! 🖤 I hope you like this Valentines Day card 💝💌

Have A Heart

Blood is red, Veins are blue, hope you have happy Violenttimes day too!

You bring the bodies ill bring the loving

Happy valentines day mr springwood …also this is posted to make sure i posted it [...]

“No heart feelings, right?”

Thanks for all the memories, Robert!

Kill 4 Me

Hi Robert, I’m a 19 yr old from Australia who has Autism. I just want [...]

Valentine on Elm Street

I’m Japanese , but I’m a fan of Robert England!! I’ve always wanted to participate [...]

Isn’t he dreamy?

This is my second year entering your contest! I now look forward to it each [...]

I haven’t even cut you yet!

Actually a picture of my birthday cake!!

Freddy & Teddy bear

I hope that you would like my card.

Michelle Reyes

Most Amazing Actor!! Robert Englund Shall Live Forever

In your dreams

My 16 year old saw me working on a card and wanted me to submit [...]

Sticks & Stones

Robert, and Nancy, Hope your doing well this year and are living life and enjoying [...]

you’re the one in my drams

Hello Robert and Nancy. I'm here for the fourth consecutive year trying to win this [...]

Dream Valentine

You are awesome 🙂

Wet dreams

Happy vday to my dreamboat horror icon!!!

Sweet Dreams

Happy Valentine’s Day! I’m an artist from Michigan and a big fan of the Elm [...]

Man of My Dreams

Some say real love can be breathtaking. Well I’ll take your breath away…forever. 🖤💋

Love of your nightmares

Thank you for being the nightmare of our dreams!

You Rock my Dream World

I was drawing this listening to Pink Floyd and ACDC… and then i realized… I [...]

Sugar Rush!

Ohh what a Rush! A sugar rush that is!

Tammy Wight

I hope you like this <3 this is the second of two designs that I [...]

A nightmare date

First time doing an art competition! 3 was my favorite movie from the series, and [...]


Wanna Suck Face For Valentines??

No glove, no love

I’m burning with desire!

Without You

This Entry Was Inspired By The Original "Freddy’s Dead" Poster. Freddy Needs His Soulmate To [...]

Sleeping Beauty nightmare

Robert, I hope you like this card, I made it with love. I'm from Brazil [...]

First Time Valentine

Enjoy this Valentine's Day card!

I’m your boyfriend now

If your in Springwood then your all mine!

How Sweet…Sweet Nightmares

Hello! I hope all is well with you! Im still thankful I got to meet [...]


A play off the junkyard scene in ANOES 3: Dream warriors, when Freddy's skeleton reanimates.

Stolen Heart (Zach Faris)

Now allow me to steal yours…

Dreams and Heart

Love steals our heart … but if it were a dream that steals our heart [...]

Dream Team

My wife and I this past Halloween! Freddy fans 4 life!


Happy Valentine's Day Robert Englund!

Lost in your eye

Lost in your eye

Let Me Be The Man Of Your Dreams

Dear Mr. Englund, Freddy Krueger has been one of my favorite horror icons for a [...]

No Love For The Man With The Glove

Everyone’s favorite dream man has been stood up one too many times. Will this be [...]

For the best of Slasher

Hello friends of Freddy! I wish you all a happy Valentine's Day hoping that you [...]

Roses Are Fred

Thanks for the nightmares. Love always.

Teachers Pet

Why don’t you keep me after class , Valentines ?School me on the ways of [...]

Freddy Owns Your Heart

I am a big fan of the Nightmare on Elm Street films. I learned about [...]

I’m your Valentine NOW

I'm your BF NOW!

Welcome to pug time bitch !

The roses are dead…the violets are blue.. Krueger is cool…and so are you !!!

Lookin like a snack!

Lookin like a snack!

The snake

Think I have already submitted one, but here it is again….. just in case!

I give you my heart this Valentine’s day!

Hi Robert! My name is Ashlyn and I’m your biggest fan! I decided to enter [...]

A Heart is Just an Upside Down Butt

Freddy, I know the only way to defeat you to play by my own rules. [...]

Freddy’s Love

My name is Guillermo. My mom is helping me submit the design i made for [...]

Sweet Dreams My Love

From Freddy: Sweet dreams!

Blood Pillow Freddy

Hello I’m from Portugal 🇵🇹 I saw all your films and I make personalized crafts, [...]

Sweet Dreams

Hello Robert! My name is Rafael, from Brazil. Here I am again, one more year [...]

Give me your heart

Hi again Robert! Same card with color and a few tweaks. Hope you enjoy! Also, [...]